
I am an experienced math teacher (find out more) offering both free and paid math tutoring services. While my specialty is in middle & high school mathematics, this opportunity is available to learners of all ages, above and below.

Free Tutoring

Starting June 3, 2024, I will be offering free math tutoring at the Sumas Library in partnership with the Whatcom County Library System. This will occur every Monday from 3:00 - 4:30 pm and is available to learners of all ages and backgrounds.

How does the free tutoring session work?

Just show up to the Sumas library with something to write with, something to write on, and any worksheets, textbooks, or materials you wish to go over. As we get to know each other we will formulate a week-to-week plan.

I encourage anyone planning to attend to send me an email (brett@goodeggmath.com). You can introduce yourself, or even give me a heads up on the class/content you might need help with. I’ll prep for your specific problem if you let me!

Free free? As in no cost?

That is correct! Full disclosure, I am considering paid tutoring outside of this time slot. I hope you like what I do and want to pay me for more time/help/expertise. But this free weekly tutoring time is donated by me to serve my community, promote my local library, and promote myself. I do it to stay connected to the world of math education. I loved being a teacher, and am excited to create math learning paths on my own terms. Tutoring is only the beginning!

Questions? Concerns? Hit me up at brett@goodeggmath.com.